Previous projects

DUCoR (Asociación para el Desarrollo Urbano y Comunicación Responsables) experts developed and implemented dozens of domestic and international projects during the last 20 years in their career. Most of them have been co-financed by the European Union and focused on urban development, responsible innovation and communication. During the implementation of these projects, our team has built up an extensive international network covering mostly Europe but also overseas countries.

Our experts have existing project partnerships in Slovenia, Italy, Czech Republic, Croatia, France, Portugal, Slovakia, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Finland, Austria, Moldova, Serbia, Hungary, Bosnia and Hercegovina and USA.

The international projects developed and implemented by DUCoR team can be grouped into the following categories:

  1. Cross-border cooperation projects: we worked on the development of NUTS3 level spatial units in the topic of regional development. In addition to developing and implementing cross-border cooperation projects, we also have extensive experience in the design of cross-border cooperation operational programmes. One of our experts was the lead expert of preparing cross-border cooperation OP, and has also been involved in the preparation of other CBC programmes.
  2. Transnational cooperation projects: in frames of this cooperation form, we not only developed several projects, which are closely connected to the activity of DUCoR, but also undertook the leadership tasks of urban development and communication work packages. Our biggest success is also connected to this type of cooperation, as we won the RegioStars Award – rewarding the most innovative European projects – with the implementation of a transnational project.
  3. Interregional projects: in this form of cooperation, we have implemented projects not only on regional but also on pan-European level.
  4. Erasmus+ projects: in frames of this cooperation form, we have not only been involved in implementation, but also led the communication work of the whole consortia. It is to be highlighted that one of our Erasmus+ projects was awarded with Mark of Excellence.
  5. URBACT projects: we have also worked with the European Union’s URBACT Programme for over 10 years. One of our experts has supported the work of a number of URBACT partnerships both as ad-hoc and as lead expert; in addition, he is a regular contributor as senior trainer at URBACT Summer Universities.

All of these can be applied while efficiently representing the Region of Valencia and Spain in the available Interreg Euro-MED projects, Interreg Europe projects and cross-border cooperation projects.