Highlighted experts

Bettina NÁRAY is working in Spain with over 15 years of experience. She is an expert in bookkeeping and tax advising. She got her MSc degree in International Relations and International Trade at the Centro de Estudios Vivendi, and an Executive Master’s Degree in Tax Advice at the Centro de Estudios Garrigues, in Madrid, Spain. She is a founding member and the President of the nationwide Madách Association, which has been operating in Spain for 8 years. She is responsible for the financial management.

Nerea JULIAN is a communication expert, specialized in non-traditional ways of communication. She is experienced in digital content development and social media coverage. Using the available tools online, she produces interesting professional videos, posts, infographics, animations, leaflets, etc. She has special expertise in defining and optimalizing the right messages and communication channels to reach several kinds of Spanish target groups.

Saara Laura ROMERO ARCOS is a graphic design artist, who is specialised in tailor-made characters, that can be used as ’mascots’ in innovative, out-of-the-box project communication actions targeted to several groups of Spanish citizens. With the use of such easily understandable and visually attractive tools, she significantly contributes to reaching the general public and target groups in Spain and across Europe, and providing them with useful information about project results.

Petra ERDEI-SZŰCS studied on International Business specialization (in English and Spanish) at ESIC Business & Marketing School in Valencia, Spain in 2015; got her BSc in Finance and Accounting in 2016; and her MSc in International Economy and Business in 2019. 
She has Spanish urban development experience, as she studied and wrote a publication about the walkability in Valencia. She had the chance to gain experience in managing and implementing projects of different programmes; the main topics of the projects, in which she was involved, are the following: urban development, enterprise development, talent attraction and retention, responsible research and innovation.

Dr. Miklós LUKOVICS PhD is an Economist in Enterprise Development, with Marketing specialization and got his Ph.D. in Regional economics. He held classes at the University of Zaragoza (Universidad de Zaragoza) in Huesca as a guest lecturer in 2016, 2017 and 2018. Furthermore, he implemented successful transnational projects for example with University of Barcelona (Barcelona Institut d'Emprenedoria (BIE) – Universitat de Barcelona) and Sociedad para el Desarrollo Regional de Cantabria SA. He has wide range of knowledge in fields of EU co-financed projects, and extensive experience in fields of traditional and innovative communication methods and tools, implementing outstanding communication campaigns, which resulted in a REGIOSTARS Award in public category for the CityWalk project. 

Béla KÉZY is an urban development strategist and practitioner. His activities concentrate on long-term sustainable development, digital economy, labor market development, urban mobility, as well as talent attraction and retention, among others. He has extensive experience in using participative methods, designing and facilitating physical and online interactive workshops, as well as in promoting transnational exchange and learning. He was the lead expert of the Regiostars award winner CityWalk project. He is also one of the senior experts of the “Walk&Roll Cities” transnational cooperation platform led by AMB (Area Metropolitana de Barcelona), focusing on the mobility and public space aspects of sustainability and liveability. In the TechTown URBACT network Béla also worked closely with Vilanova i la Geltrú to support the digital transition process.