Privacy Policy

Lukovics Miklós Dr., the operator of the website, manages personal data for one purpose and intends to do so in compliance with the rights of the Data Subject and in compliance with legal obligations (especially the General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR for short). Lukovics Miklós Dr. also considers it important to present the handling of the personal data that came to its knowledge during the data management activities of the Stakeholders and its most important features.



Data management related to the use of the website


Who handles your personal information?
Your personal data is managed by Lukovics Miklós Dr. (hereinafter: Data Controller), the possibilities of contact are:
Contact person: Dr. Lukovics Miklós
E-mail address:

Management of cookies:
The Data Controller's website uses cookies to operate the website, to facilitate its use, and to monitor the activity performed on the website. Detailed information about cookies will be displayed separately when you go to the website.

Cookies are small data files that are placed on your computer when you visit a website so that they are created, saved and stored. The most commonly used browsers (Chrome, Firefox, etc.) generally accept and allow the download and use of cookies by default, but you can refuse or disable them by changing your browser settings, or you can delete cookies stored on your computer. For more information on the use of cookies, see the "help" menu item in each browser.
We basically distinguish between two types of cookies, one group includes those that do not require user consent. We provide information about these when you first visit our website, such as "user input" cookies, authentication cookies, user-centric security cookies, multimedia player session cookies, load balancing session cookies, and user interface customization cookies.
The other group includes cookies that require the user's consent, which, if data processing already begins with a visit to the site, will be notified to the user at the start of the first visit and the user's consent will be required, such as community sharing tracking cookies, third-party cookies. , self-visit cookies.
Acceptance of cookies is not mandatory, however, we inform users that failure to enable cookies may affect the operation of the website, and we accept no liability if our website may not function as expected if cookies are not enabled.

Used cookies
Type: Session cookies.
Name: Cookies essential to the service.
Consent: Not required.
Description: These cookies are required to allow users to use the website.
Purpose: To ensure the operation of the website.
Validity: Closing the browsing session.

Type: Tracking cookie for visit analysis (from a third party).
Name: Google Analytics (_gat and _ga).
Consent: Requires.
Description: Collects information about the use of the site and user activity.
Purpose: Connects to third party services (e.g. Google) when you visit this website.
Validity: 2 years.

You can find out more about this at the following links:
Internet Explorer:
Browsing the website also records technical information (such as log files containing the user's IP address, time of page visit, URL (s) of the page (s) visited) that cannot be used for personal identification but is for statistical purposes.

Whose data are we processing?
The Data Controller handles the data of the persons visiting the website as follows.

Basic data of data management:

1.    Contact
Purpose: To handle inquiries / questions, identify the interviewer, and record the question
Legal basis: Article 6 (1) (a) Based on the consent of the data subject.
Features: Automated and manual
Data managed: Name, E-mail, Phone number, Message
Duration: The Data Controller will process the data until your consent is revoked.
Stakeholders: Those who are interested and initiate contact.
Data processor (s):  
Aktiv Digital Media Kft.
5600 Békéscsaba, Lencsési út 35-37. 8. em. 46.
+36 30 160 6979
Hosting Operator
Aktiv Digital Media Kft.
5600 Békéscsaba, Lencsési út 35-37. 8. em. 46.
+36 30 160 6979
Website creator
Recipient (s) of transmission: None -

2.    Privacy Incident Notification
Purpose: To inform and keep in touch about the occurrence of the data protection incident
Legal basis: Article 6 (1) of the GDPR (c) Necessary to fulfill the data subject's legal obligation
Features: Automated and manual
Data managed: Identification data, contact data
Duration: 5 years or until the dispute is settled
Stakeholders: Persons affected
Data Processor (s): None -
Recipient (s) of transmission: None -
In the case of consent-based data processing, you may withdraw your consent at any time. In the case of data processing based on the legitimate interest of the data controller, the data subject may object to the data processing.

What principles do we consider important when handling data?

The processing of personal data is carried out in accordance with the applicable legal regulations.
The Data Controller only handles personal data specified in the scope of individual data processing.
It protects the security of the personal data provided with all necessary technical and organizational measures.
It pays particular attention to ensuring the confidentiality, integrity and availability of personal information.
The Data Controller is responsible for the authenticity and accuracy of your personal data after you have provided it.
The terms used in this prospectus are set out in Act CXII of 2011 on the right to information self-determination and freedom of information. interpreted in accordance with the definitions set out in the interpretative provisions of the Act.


What rights do you have in relation to your personal data managed by the Data Controller?


The Data Controller ensures that Data subjects are able to exercise their rights under the GDPR Regulation. A request for the exercise of these rights may not be refused by the Data Controller unless he or she proves that the Data Subject cannot be identified. The data subject therefore needs to identify himself in order to fulfill his request.
The Data Controller is obliged to fulfill the request without delay, but within a maximum of 1 month from the receipt, and to inform the Data Subject about any obstacles or delays in the execution. In this case, the time limit may be extended by a further 2 months, provided that the data subject is notified of the extension and the reasons for it within 1 month.
The Data Controller shall respond to the Data Subject's request in the form in which it was received. The Data Subject may also submit his / her application electronically, in which case he / she shall also receive the reply electronically, unless expressly provided otherwise.
In order to ensure the rights of the Data Subject, the rights contained in this prospectus may be exercised free of charge, therefore the Data Controller will not charge a fee, unless the request is clearly unfounded or, in particular, excessive due to its repetitive nature.
If and to the extent that the requested action or information is excessive or manifestly unfounded, the Data Controller may charge a reasonable amount for compliance (in particular to cover the increased administrative costs of excessive requests) or refuse to act on the request.
In such a case, the Data Controller has an obligation to provide reasons to the Data Subject.
Subject to the law, Stakeholders may exercise the following rights:

a.) During the entire duration of the data processing, the Data Subject is entitled to request information and access to the personal data managed by the Data Controller and the characteristics of the data processing, in particular:

  • the identity and contact details of the Data Controller and his / her contact person, if the Data Controller employs a data protection officer, his / her contact details,
  • the purpose, legal basis and duration of the data processing,
  • the name and address of the data processor, its activities related to data management, if the data processor is used,
  • the legal basis and the recipient of the transfer, if any,
  • about a possible data protection incident.

b.) The Data Subject is entitled to request the correction or change of his / her personal data. If your data has changed or is inaccurate, the Data Controller will change it at any time during the processing of your personal data upon request. You can request this request through the contact details provided.

c.) The Data Subject may withdraw his or her consent at any time and request that the Data Controller delete his or her data.
The personal data of the Data Subject will also be deleted if the processing of the data is illegal, the purpose of the data processing has ceased or the specified term for the storage of the data has expired; or ordered by a court or the National Data Protection and Freedom of Information Authority.
d.) At the request of the Data Subject, the Data Controller restricts the processing of personal data:

  • if the Data Subject disputes the accuracy of his / her data, in this case the restriction applies to the period of time that allows the Data Controller to check the accuracy of the personal data
  • if the data processing is illegal and the Data Subject objects to the deletion of his / her data and instead requests their restriction
  • the Data Controller no longer needs the personal data for the purpose of data processing, but the Data Subject requests them in order to submit, validate or protect his / her legal claim
  • if the Data Subject objects to the data processing, in this case the restriction shall apply for the period until it is determined whether the legitimate reasons of the Data Controller take precedence over the legitimate reasons of the Data Subject.

e.) the Data Subject may object to the processing of his / her personal data if the processing of his / her data is handled by the Data Controller on the basis of a legal basis necessary for the enforcement of his / her own or a third party's legitimate interests. In this case, the Data Controller may not further process the personal data, unless it proves that the processing is justified by compelling legitimate reasons which take precedence over the interests, rights and freedoms of the Data Subject or which are related to the submission, enforcement or protection of legal claims.
f.) If the data processing is based on consent or is necessary for the performance of a contract and the data processing is automated, ie the data subjects' data are processed with a machine register, the Data Subject is entitled to in a machine-readable format used. Furthermore, they shall be transferred to another Data Controller without the Data Controller preventing this. (Right of the data subject to data portability)